Welcome to P2/3 Class Page.
Our teacher this year is Mrs Canavan. Ms Rogan and Mrs Young are our classroom assistants. We will be focusing on the topics of Food, Celebrations, Dinosaurs, Houses&Homes and Forces. We look forward to completing outdoor and indoor lessons in these topics.
In Numeracy, we will continue to use numicon practically and extend our counting patterns to include counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We will be able to recognise numbers up to 100 and use a 100 square. In shape and space, we will be able to recognise 2d and 3d shapes in our environment and use data on a range of charts and tables.
In Literacy this year we hope to develop our independent writing skills. We will use a range of writing genres such as recount, persuasive, report, procedural and narrative writing. We will continue to work on our phonics and spelling to extend our sentences.
In PE this year we will begin with dance, we will also explore athletics and games.
We hope you enjoy looking at all the exciting things we do and learn about in our class this year.