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St. Brigid's Primary School, Downpatrick
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Welcome to Primary 6

Welcome to Primary 6! It is an exciting and fun year, with lots of opportunities to experience, learn and develop a range of skills and concepts across the curriculum.

This year, our teacher is Miss Cunningham and we are extremely lucky to have Miss Hynds as our assistant.


In Primary 6 we encourage a love of reading! Every day, we have opportunities to read from a wide range of sources and have developed a love of both fiction and non-fiction texts. In our daily Literacy lessons, we cover a wide variety of skills and topics through comprehension, phonics, punctuation and grammar, editing skills and writing activities. We participate in class discussions and debates to develop our talking and listening skills as we take turns to present work and ideas to our classmates.


Throughout Primary 6 we will be expanding our knowledge and understanding within the five main areas of Numeracy - Processes in Mathematics, Number, Data Handling, Measures and Shape and Space. This will be done through a range of practical activities, investigations and challenges. Primary 6 children will also work hard every day on the development and consolidation of using mental maths strategies appropriately,

This year, we are putting a big emphasis on Mathletics and each week we strive to achieve above and beyond a minimum of 1000 points. We will be consolidating our Numeracy skills through the use of this amazing app! Throughout the year, we will take part in various Numeracy challenges to expand our problem solving skills, both inside and outside the classroom.

World Around Us

In Primary 6, we cover a range of exciting topics. We are starting the year by studying The Famine in Ireland and are learning a great deal about this important event from the past. Later in the year, we will focus on Electricity, The Vikings, The Titanic and Water. We have lots of engaging and interesting activities planned for each topic.


Each term a different ‘Using ICT’ task is completed in Primary 6. Through these tasks children have opportunities to develop their ICT skills using a wide range of apps and devices. We will be introducing new skills and knowledge to P6 that build on skills they have learnt in Primary 5.


Primary 6 are going to be taking part in Music lessons within our class throughout the year. We will be looking at rhythm and sound, using music to create atmosphere and using music to support our World Around Us topics too.


Primary 6 enjoy participating in two PE lessons a week. We are very lucky to have swimming lessons on a Monday afternoon. We also will be participating in another PE session on a Wednesday where we will develop our skills in Games, Athletics, Dance and Gymnastics. 


Every day in Primary 6 allows for opportunities to learn and grow together - stay tuned to our class page to see what we get up to this year! 



17th Jun 2024
Take a look at out wonderful children performing during our Summer Recital!Special...
5th Jun 2024
This year, we have been focussing on practical learning opportunities through Literacy...
23rd May 2024
Today the P6 children had a fantastic afternoon at the BBC Comes to Town roadshow...
22nd May 2024
Primary 6 had a brilliant day at Titanic Belfast, were they were fully immersed into...

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