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St. Brigid's Primary School, Downpatrick
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Wellbeing Champions


We are delighted to introduce to you our Wellbeing Ambassadors for this year.

In St Brigid's, we believe it is essential to promote wellbeing to others by being a good role model, being kind, caring and helpful towards others and most importantly, to treat others as we would want to be treated ourselves. We take pride in being able to support our peers by spreading joy, lifting peoples’ spirits and being there for anyone to help make them feel happy. 

As Wellbeing Ambassadors, we will promote a healthy lifestyle within our school through listening to our peers and  supporting anyone who may have a problem that needs solved. We ensure that the children of St Brigid's recognise that they can approach us about anything they may be worried about. 


8th Nov 2023
Our Wellbeing Champions have been busy prepping for the upcoming Anti Bullying week....
25th Sep 2023
Our Well Being Ambassadors have been selected. We are delighted to see lots of new...