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St. Brigid's Primary School, Downpatrick
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Welcome to our Primary Three class page. Miss McKenna is our teacher this year and our fabulous classroom assistant is Ms Connor.

Have a look around and see all of the fantastic work we have been doing so far this year. We are exploring topics such as Food, Dinosaurs, Houses and Homes, Celebrations and Forces and Magnets and we thoroughly enjoy many outdoor learning lessons through these topics. We are even getting to visit places like Pizza Express and the Ulster Museum to bring our learning to life!

We are working hard in the area of Numeracy this term and have loved using Numicon during our number work. We are able to count forward: and backwards in 2s,5s and 10s and are confident using different operations within the 100 array. We are quite competitive when it comes to our Mathletics points and aim to get at least 1000 points a week. We have been improving our problem solving abilities by using RUCSAC and we love the challenge of  a maths investigation. We are learning to identify 2D and 3D shapes within our environment and are also learning to represent data on a range of charts and tables.

In Literacy this year we are developing our writing skills in a range of genres such as recount, persuasive, report, procedural and narrative writing. We are also continuing the use of the Jolly Phonics programme to improve our phonics skills too. We are enjoying reading ‘The Twits’ as a class novel currently and love our daily guided and shared reading sessions.

Some of our favourite times of the week in P3 are our PE lessons. We are focusing on Games and Dance currently on Mondays with Miss McKenna and look forward to doing some Athletics later in the year. We also love our Actisport sessions every Thursday with Graham.

We are thoroughly enjoying our class Music sessions with Miss McKenna this year where we have been developing our listening skills as well as our performance skills. We love showing these off during class assemblies and plays. We will be exploring different elements of ICT this year too and hope to develop our skills as we use a range of different apps.

Enjoy this snapshot of our P3 class as we learn and grow together in St Brigid’s this year!



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This year, we have been focussing on practical learning opportunities through Literacy...
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This week in school we celebrated Safer Internet Day. The theme this year was ‘Together...

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