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St. Brigid's Primary School, Downpatrick
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P7D are taught by Mr O’Rourke and are incredibly lucky to have Miss Pyper as their assistant for another year. We will be learning about The Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), Junior Enterprise, Faith and Light, France, as well as The Olympics in light of the 2024 Summer Olympics. 

In our first term we will be covering a wide range of games and dance throughout our PE lessons, as well as taking our learning outdoors, using all of our resources to promote our lessons.

We have weekly music lessons with Miss McKenna and are learning to play the recorder and sing. We love attending weekly choir with Miss McKenna and Mr McVeigh.

In Numeracy, this class are Izak 9 experts. They love problem solving and teamwork. This class are highly competitive in Mathletics, with some of the children in this class topping the leader board of the UK and the World last year! 

In Literacy, P7 love Newsdesk to keep up to date with what is happening in our world. We use our devices in class daily to type and edit our work. We love writing stories, debating, presenting our work to the class, and sharing our ideas with others. We will be reading and analysing 'Felicity Flipflops' in our first term, linking with our GAA and Ireland topic.

These boys and girls are great friends to each other and show kindness and respect, always including everyone. This bunch of children are also extremely charitable and work hard to raise money for those less fortunate, particularly in their Lenten campaign last year, raising over £700. The P7D class really reflect the ethos of St. Brigid’s Primary, setting an excellent example to others in our school.



17th Jun 2024
Take a look at out wonderful children performing during our Summer Recital!Special...
11th Jun 2024
Check out our Share Discovery Village Video for Primary 7 (2023/24) on our YouTube...
5th Jun 2024
This year, we have been focussing on practical learning opportunities through Literacy...
22nd Mar 2024
Take a look at our recent production of Jack and the Beanstalk, proudly presented...

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