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St. Brigid's Primary School, Downpatrick
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Welcome to the Primary 7 class page. 

Our teacher is Mrs Devlin and our classroom assistants are Mrs Flanaghan and Mrs Maguire. 

We are delighted to be back at school, spending time with our friends and have made a fantastic start to our P7 year. 

We are also loving our roles and responsibilities which we have been given: digital leaders, eco-councillors, school councillors, Well Being Monitors and safety squad members but let's not forget about being FANTASTIC buddies to our new Primary 1 children and Early Years Provision.

This year we will explore many new World Around Us topic such as The GAA, Flight, Faith and Light, France and Junior Entrepreneur. We are also looking forward to our trip to the Share Centre later in the year and preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation.    

In literacy, our daily lessons cover a wide range of skills, through comprehension, writing, phonics and grammar and punctuation. Our daily numeracy lessons also cover number, data handling, mental maths and shape and space and measures. We especially love using practical experiences to learn as well as taking our lessons outdoors. 

Primary 7 are ICT whizz kids, we use our devices daily in class to support our learning. We are looking forward to developing our Digital Audio skills in ICT this year. We are currently working on Coding and are thoroughly enjoying programming Spheros and Microbits.

Keep checking our class page to see a snapshot of our learning journey. 



17th Jun 2024
Take a look at out wonderful children performing during our Summer Recital!Special...
11th Jun 2024
Check out our Share Discovery Village Video for Primary 7 (2023/24) on our YouTube...
5th Jun 2024
This year, we have been focussing on practical learning opportunities through Literacy...
22nd Mar 2024
Take a look at our recent production of Jack and the Beanstalk, proudly presented...

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